Spotify Pixel FAQs

Key questions to keep your pixel running smoothly

Q. How far in advance must I install the pixel? 
A. Best practice suggests the pixel is installed on your website at least 2 weeks prior to any campaign launching. This allows your team time to QA and troubleshoot the pixel while also allowing Ad Analytics to gather a baseline of traffic on the website without a campaign tracking

Q. I am not interested in tracking page views--only down funnel events (such as purchases). Do I have to place the page view pixel on my website? 
A. Yes, the Spotify page view pixel is required. We recommend this pixel be placed site-wide across the Top Level Domain (TLD), but ultimately you can determine which pages have the page-view pixel placed. 

Q. Why do you recommend placing the page view pixel across the TLD? 
A. Casting a wide net allows us to capture multiple points of entry into your campaign, and gives you more information to play with later, enhancing your story telling data points. People may hear a call to visit a certain page within your website, but enter through a different page via their favorite search engine. Having the page view pixel site wide allows you to see where people are entering--and allows you to see how many people enter where you suggest versus other methods. 

Q. Will the Spotify pixel slow down my website? 
A. Our JavaScript loads asynchronously, which means it will not significantly increase load times of your website or the pages the JavaScript code is on.

Q. I am tracking multiple pages on my website. How do I create more than one pixel? 
A. You only need one pixel per TLD. With that one pixel you can generate multiple events to track different activity (such as leads, purchases, add to cart, etc). Having multiple Spotify pixel IDs on a single TLD can cause issues with one or more pixel, which can directly impact the results of your campaign(s). 

Q. Can I make adjustments to my pixel while I am tracking a campaign? 
A. The Spotify Pixel that is on your website is yours to adjust, however, we do not recommend making adjustments to the pixel while a campaign is tracking unless absolutely necessary, such as pixel is not installed correctly, we are not receiving data from the pixel, or it has been decided internally by your org as a business necessity. 

Q. My pixel was not installed the way we needed it to be (or I've recently adjusted my pixel installation). Is there any way to have data backfilled in my campaign? 
A. No, Spotify Ad Analytics can only use the data that we have received directly from the pixel. Any data missing from the pixel fires cannot be recovered, and campaigns cannot be backfilled. 

Q. Can the Spotify Ad Analytics team help with my pixel installation? 
A. No, the Spotify Ad Analytics support team is not available to assist in pixel installation. Please review the pixel best practices here

Q. My pixel doesn't seem to be firing on my website properly. Can the Spotify Ad Analytics team help me troubleshoot my pixel? 
A. The Spotify Ad Analytics support team utilizes the same tools that are available to you directly within the UI, and can only provide assistance with the platform itself. If your pixel is not firing properly, we recommend working with your web dev team to further troubleshoot your pixel installation. Please be sure to read through the pixel documentation here for pixel verification recommendations. 

Q. Can I piggyback the Spotify pixel on my Floodlight container? 
A. Yes, however, Floodlight requires the use of an img pixel, and you cannot append the js pixel within the Floodlight container. please review our Floodlight and img pixel documentation here

Q. Do I have to include the variables/surface them in the data layer? 
A. It isn't required, but it is highly recommended. Surfacing variables to the data layer, such as order_id, promo_code, and value, give you more data to play with when storytelling later. Surfacing the value gives you more metrics in the dashboard, and other variables, such as the promo code and order ID, give you more insight into your users (and information to use to cross-check with your own internal tools).