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  3. Spotify Integrations - Spotify Ads Manager

Reporting in Ads Manager

Please note that all Spotify Ads Manager campaigns that you setup with the Spotify pixel, will not be visible within the Spotify Ad Analytics platform. You will only be able to review these conversions within Spotify Ads Manager.

Conversion reporting provides helpful insight into how Spotify listeners are reacting to your ads. A conversion is defined as an event counted when a listener is exposed to your ad on Spotify (i.e. views a video ad or clicks on a display ad) and then takes a defined action on the advertised website (i.e. a registration or purchase). 

Ads Manager campaigns that activate the Spotify Pixel will be eligible to track and show aggregated conversions for all events where the pixel has been properly installed on the advertised website. 

Available attribution metrics in Ads Manager include: 

  • Page Views: Number of attributed website page views
  • Leads:  Number of attributed leads
  • Add to Cart:  Number of attributed add to cart events
  • Purchases:  Number of attributed purchases made on the advertised website 

Conversion reporting specifically for Ads Manager campaigns will only be available in your Ads Manager dashboard; Ads Manager campaign performance metrics will not be available in your Ad Analytics dashboard. 

To read more about general campaign delivery metrics that are available for all Ads Manager campaigns, please visit the Ads Manager Help Center