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  3. Spotify Integrations - Spotify Ads Manager

Ads Manager Frequently Asked Questions


Please note that all Spotify Ads Manager campaigns that you setup with the Spotify pixel, will not be visible within the Spotify Ad Analytics platform. You will only be able to review these conversions within Spotify Ads Manager.


  • If I add my pixel to Ads Manager, will I still be able to measure campaigns via Spotify Ad Analytics?
    Once your pixel is added to Ads Manager, it will be available for use in both the Ad Analytics platform and the Ads Manager platform. However, conversion reporting for Ads Manager campaigns will only be available in Ads Manager. For all other audio campaigns, whether on or off Spotify, you can continue to use your pixel to measure and view performance in Ad Analytics. 
  • Could I add my Spotify Pixel from Ad Analytics to more than one Ads Manager account?
    At this time, pixels from Ad Analytics can only be added to one unique Ads Manager ad account. 
  • Are there any differences in the attribution methodology for Ad Analytics and Ads Manager?
    Pixel attribution is calculated using the same methodology across Ad Analytics and Ads Manager. Click here to learn more about Spotify’s attribution methodology. 
  • Do I need to make any changes to the Spotify Pixel that is currently installed on my website in order for it to measure Ads Manager campaigns?
    When adding your Spotify Pixel to Ads Manager, you do not need to make any changes to the pixel itself or the backend of your website. The only requirement is to complete the request for Spotify to add your pixel to your Ads Manager ad account. 
  • Once my pixel is available in Ads Manager, could it measure past or active campaigns?
    The pixel in Ads Manager can only be enabled on new campaigns. It cannot measure campaigns that have ended or are currently in-flight. Click here for more information on how to activate your pixel once it’s been added to your Ads Manager ad account. 
  • I initially created my pixel in Ads Manager. Can I use it to measure campaigns via Spotify Ad Analytics?
    At this time, our integration only supports the one-way mapping of pixels from Ad Analytics to Ads Manager. Pixels that are initially created in Ads Manager cannot be added to an Ad Analytics account.